In Anerkennung seines langjährigen Engagements für die Weiterentwicklung der Radiologie verleiht die Deutsche Röntgengesellschaft Prof. Dr. Kassa Darge die Ehrenmitgliedschaft.
Professor Darge, you worked as a (paediatric) radiologist in Germany and the USA. What is different, what connects (paediatric) radiology in both countries?
Both in Germany and the USA pediatric radiology strives to provide dedicated high-level imaging and interventional service for children, but the sizes of pediatric radiology units are not comparable, being much bigger in the USA.
My favorite place | A part of me | My passion |
Vacationing with my family, my wife Hanna and our sons Suraphel (left) and Eyoel (right). | My wife Hanna. | I love teaching! |